Palm safe hand sanitizer
Product Reviews

Palm Safe Hand Sanitizer-Review

We can’t stop our kids from playing in the grass, the sand over even muddy puddles. And so much play can make a toddler hungry for sure, but when you are out and the baby wishes to eat, how to clean their hands without water? Yes, we use sanitizers, one that has that strong smell. But the main question that arises in every mother’s mind is whether it is safe to use for kids.

So I need to make sure I clean my hands thoroughly before I feed him his snack with a magical product. Palm safe Hand Sanitizer is an anti-microbial foam hand sanitizer; this does not contain alcohol, thus making it safe even for children and babies. It helps kill 99.9% of germs and keeps you away from catching unwanted infections.

Let Us Talk About Palm Safe Hand Sanitizer And Review It

The best part I love about this product is its natural fragrance and I loved that Pepper Mint Fragrance. Another hand sanitizer has a powerful smell and is of a liquid consistency, as I fear using it on my 2-year-old little girl. But #palmsafe has a foam-based consistency and she enjoys using it. She automatically rubbed it when I first gave her that (she thought it was a face wash or soap).

I have used almost 5-6 hand sanitizer brands, but I swear this one is my favorite.

As a mother of a toddler, I am either washing my hands or my toddlers, on the go I always have a sanitizer in my bag. My daughter loves playing with foam in her bathtub so @palm_safe is a blessing in disguise.

It is an antimicrobial defense system that helps to protect against germs and bacteria without letting your skin dry up. It just needs to be rubbed for 5-7 seconds on the hands for the best results.

  • Alcohol-Free product which kills 99.99% of germs
  • Safe and easy to use for small kids and children
  • Foam-based product with a very mild fragrance.
  • The product packaging is so good.
  • Does not dry out the skin.
  • Lightweight bottle, convenient to carry in your handbag.

It is very much cheaper to use and I give it 10/10.


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